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About ACT Conferences

ACT Conferences

The Association for Computers & Taxation (ACT) sponsors conferences to help members keep up-to-date on tax automation, computer technology, and facilitate the networking among members. The Annual Conference is held in late spring/summer.

Conference locations typically alternate between East coast, Midwest and West coast. At each conference, attendees are canvassed for feedback on the conference program and for ideas on topics/speakers/locations for future conferences. The Program Committee analyzes the responses and tries to meet the needs of the membership when designing the conference program and selecting sites for the Annual Conferences. Please feel free to contact the Program Committee Chair, any Board Member, or ACT staff if you have any questions, ideas, speaker/topic suggestions or concerns about the conferences.
How does ACT select conference speakers?


Attendees at our conferences suggest future topics and speakers. Attendee feedback is presented to the entire membership to get feedback on the key topics and issues that should be addressed at the next conference. Based on this feedback, the conference committee meets to discuss the feedback results and determine known speakers for the highest ranking topics. In general, speaker slots go to Regular members first, Sponsor members, and then to Associate members. Any remaining speaker slots are then offered to non-members. In some cases, a specific presenter will be desired (such as an author or professor). In this case, the program committee can go directly to the speaker. As a policy, ACT does not pay speakers, waive conference fees or reimburse for travel expenses. Speakers are invited as experts in their area to share information with peers on a professional level. All speakers are informed that the sessions (other than Vendor expo), must be educational in nature and not be a sales presentation.
On-Line Speaker Opportunity Form

ACT is looking for speakers that are experts in their area to speak at our conference.  If you have a presentation you would like to contribute or if you have a topic you would like us to cover, please let us know by filling out the Speaker and Author Opportunity Form.

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5/19/2025 » 5/21/2025
2025 ACT Annual Tax Technology Conference

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