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Membership Types (You must select a membership type at the bottom of this page.  Please see the Qualifications below to determine which type of membership you qualify for.  Regular Members may not sign up for an Associate Membership and Associate Members may not sign up for a Regular Membership.)

  • Regular members pay $600 per corporation. There is no limit to the number of individuals that you list on your company profile and no additional fee. Regular members have full access to ACT's website.  See qualifications below for a definition of membership types.
  • Associate members pay $500 per person.

Dues are paid annually for calendar year.


ACT Membership Qualifications
The Association for Computers & Taxation defines two classes of membership: Regular and Associate. A regular membership can be held by any company which has a continuing ownership, or lease and use of tax related computer software, except a company that develops and/or markets such software or services related to such software and except a company which is engaged in the business of providing personnel recruitment. Those not meeting the requirements of Regular membership can become an Associate Member.  This includes individuals from any organization that sells or markets products or services directly to tax departments (ie tax software vendors, tax consultants, etc).


Regular members pay $600 per legal entity. For example, the decentralized tax department of XYZ company need only pay one $600 fee. Dues are paid annually for the calendar year. The Primary Contact at each member company has full responsibility for the company's ACT membership. The Primary Contact can edit, add and delete members online. At times certain communications such as dues notices, survey questionnaires, and faxes are sent to the Primary Contact. As Primary Contact you will need to keep your ACT membership profile up-to-date including deleting individuals no longer with your company.


ACT membership benefits remain at the company for both Regular and Associate membership types and do not travel with the individual.  In order to be eligible to join ACT, you must be currently employed at a company that qualifies for either a Regular or an Associate membership.



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5/19/2025 » 5/21/2025
2025 ACT Annual Tax Technology Conference

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